Study in Spain
Student life in Spain: natural and cultural heritage
Brave the running of the bulls in Pamplona, throw a tomato at the Tomatina Tomato Festival near Valencia, hike in the cool mountains of the north or laze on the world famous beaches of the mediterranean, feast on paella, dine on tapas and swig some sangria; Spain truly is a place of enormous variety, vibrancy and vitality.
For those seeking to broaden their horizons with international study, Spain has plenty to offer. Not only is it relatively inexpensive, but work by universities, and a mostly supportive government, have turned the country from an educational backwater, by international standards, into a very popular study destination for international students.
In addition, non-Spanish speakers will have the opportunity to learn one of the most widely used languages in the world.
Spain is a very rewarding country to live in. Crime is relatively low, and the people are friendly and welcoming, especially to those who make the effort to learn some of the language.
There is a great deal to see and do in Spain - both in and around the big cities. If you choose to study abroad in Spain, get out into the countryside. Spaniards will talk for ages about the things they think you should see that many tourists don't bother with.
You will find your spare time filling up pretty quickly, but you'll be more rewarded with a fabulous experience.
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